Saturday, September 3, 2011

reaccuring dream

Maybe in addition to the other things I write about on here I should also use it as a dream journal? I have pretty vivid dreams. In a dream last night I had a daughter. This is a fairly regular theme. Normally they have dark-red and curly hair. They are also always daughters. I think these are strange concepts to reoccur. The daughters-only thing makes sense - it's God's revenge for all the terrible things I've thought, did or wanted to do to other men's daughters over the years. The curly red hair doesn't. I personally probably do not possess the genes necessary to produce red-haired children, and am not likely to reproduce with a woman who does either. So it's odd. Also, it's not ginger-red, but a dark-red. So anyway, me and my daughter - who is a newborn in this dream - and my whole family are taking an old wooden boat to the Arctic. We've decided to move there. There are shark monsters looking for us and we are trying to be quiet. At one point the sharks try to board out ship - covered in melting snow - but can't find us because we're locked in the hibernation chambers in a secret part of the ship. I'm on lookout for the sharks, and when they leave I go down to the chamber, pick up my daughter . . . and she throws up on me! The dream gets hazy from there...

1 comment:

  1. When are you going to post again? Nothing since Sept?! Unacceptable!
