As I walked out of the front door of my apartment a large white blur fluttered past me. When I looked up, perched on the branch of the live oak thirty feet away was a large white and grey owl staring at me. I believe it was a barred owl. Transfixed we started at each other for several minutes. I've seen owls before but this was the biggest one I've ever seen, and the most up close I've ever been. It was absolutely beautiful. Owls are my favourite bird. Brutal predators they attack their prey silently and deliberately. You know the saying, "the early bird gets the worm"? Well, the patient owl gets the bird. After a while I walked down the stairs to the driveway of the house I live in to go to a friend's house. The entire time mine and the owls eyes were locked, and it's head twisted to follow as I walked away.
On my ear, there's been no change. I still can't hear anything in my right ear. I have an appointment with a specialist next week. My hope is that it was just a middle ear infection, that the hearing loss is because of fluid behind my eardrum and that it'll go away by the time I see the doctor. Thank you so much for the concern.
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