Saturday, February 19, 2011

innitial impressions

In the pitch black of night, and hoovering somewhere between awake and asleep, I laid on my back, cuddled a thick pillow, and allowed myself to be consumed by the sounds. These were the things going through my mind as I heard. Now, they are just comments without analysis. I'll give a fuller critique later once I've listened to it a couple more times and it's all sunk in.

Initial impressions: it's not about the music or instruments but the quality of the noises; it's not composed of songs but rather it's a 35 minute song broken up into movements; it's a blob of sounds; it's a play; it's Fall coloured; it's got a classic rock vibe (which doesn't surprise me given the singles that came out last year); it's got an Indian Classical vibe;
I'm not sure how they'll play it live; the brevity reminds me of an early Pink Floyd album; it's got hints of Neil Young; it's probably about environmentalism; I'm sure it'll become an "old friend" soon enough.

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